Sabtu pagi, we went for my last check-up with the Gyne kat DSH. Alhamdulllah, Baby A is looking fine - Doc cakap baru 2.4kg - macam risau la pulak - a lil bit too small I think despite da masuk 36 weeks+ now... Kalau ikut the tracking kat BabyBump, he should be weighing 2.6kg by now... So Mommy will try to eat more ok lil guy... this week and next week hari-hari kite mintak Babah belikan Baskin Robbins - macam zaman2 Kakak Nia dulu...ekekek... anyways, Baby A is doing good in the tummy.... head down and still showing no sign to engage... amniotic fluid is ok...heartbeat is, everything is good to go... The Doctor asked us if we have decided on the date, so we told her our options, either on the 10th or the 11th... as expected, she agreed with 10th of June.... so, terus la book OT and gave me the green admission form sume... nak book bilik terus tak boleh - we can only do that 1 day before the operation - so kena call hospital... But hubby said, takyah la susah-susah, so we opted for the Premium Room... kena la topup sikit from the amount that Shell normally covers... asal selesa lepas operation nanti... so peeps, the official date is - Friday, 10 June 2011... Fuh!!
afterwards, off we went to KLCC.... kan semangat nak pergi carnival Mothercare tu...eheh... dengan boyot-boyot ni, masih jugak gigih pergi hokeh... the store was not as big as i imagined it would be...but ok la, it has more items than other Mothercare shops... there were clowns, wheels of fortune draw lots, face-painting, free popcorns and free cotton candy... Ingatkan pack giler, but lucky for us, we were there quite early, so that 'traffic' inside the store wasn't as bad... bought a couple of things, feeding bottles for Nia and Baby A...found my Lansinoh nipple cream, bought gifts for Vikrant's new baby too... and a few new tshirts for Kakak Nia...and Baby A's first blue bear...hehe...
Then on Sunday morning, we went to the Curve.... saje gatai bawak Nia pi tengok KungFu Panda 2... ternganga je la Nia inside the cinema.... there were no songs unlike the typical Princess-sy movies that she loves so much.... so ended up, dia keep on asking me, kenapa tu...kenapa tu...kenapa tu...eheheheh...hadoii...cian anak mommy...couldn't understand the movie so much....but she had fun - bole la gelak-gelak at some of the actions yg funny.... after the movie, we asked her, if she wants to watch Panda again.... then she answered, "But I want to watch Princess!!"....haihhh...princess lagi....kena ajar suke benda lain apart from Princess la mcm gini....
that was our weekend, how was yours? did you had a good time like we did? I hope you do... ;-)