Monday, October 31, 2011
Sama Tapi Tak Serupa
Saturday, October 22, 2011
after a whole week of green milk...akhirnye susu kembali putih today...back kata Nia..da jadi susu snow white more shrek milk...ahaah..
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Kaler yg Berbeza
i dunno why..but my ebm is changing pagi lain warna...noon time lain warna..petang pon lain...the one on the right tu, kalo tgk under natural light looks whitish husband said, susu flavor pandan kah?!.. ahahah..what about u mommies out there?.. hv u experienced something similar?
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Goooooooooooooooo Emerald!!!!
boleh berpeluh and excercise at the same time...
as you can see, i'm playing for the green house or EMERALD..thats for all of us in Downstream IT ni...
although kami tak menang dapat no.1 last weekend....(Sedih ni...)...tapi still dapat jugak 3rd placing out of 6 teams...ehhee..not bad for a team with mommies as the obviously the winning team sume yg ade anak-anak dara yg lincah bertenaga...ahaha...takleh nak outrun derang la...
these girls are really fast!!...hahah ....(alasan!)...
all in all, yang penting is, we had fun....bole la masuk lagi next time...Goooo Emerald!!..
*cough*cough* penat menjerit
Monday, October 17, 2011
Saya Suka Encik Serigala Yang Jahat
anyhow, taknak cite panjang lebo sangat...basically, i spent 1/2 of my day there...ahahah...browsing and browsing and browsing and still browsing...damages done for the day?...eheheh...not as bad as i thought it would be....i capped my spending at MYR300 papehal, after my selection-spree, i sat at a corner and re-calculate hasil tangkapan...and to my surprise, after choosing a total of 28 books, i only have to pay a total of MYR204....not bad at all...8 books for Nia, and the rest are all for me...hubby doesnt really nothing for him...ahaha...tried searching for some boardbooks for Aaryan...tapi takde yg, i guess this is my reading stock for the whole year....takleh masuk kedai buku lagi dah sampai Q4 next year...(yeah righttt!!!)...hheeheh....for now, all the books dah kena nicely arranged in the library at home...tumpang la library arwah my dad kat umah tu....all the racks dah overloaded pon actually....sampai kena perli with my mom....wahahah....nasib lah...mana nak cari buku murah2 gini lagi ek...sekali setahun ja...:p...papehal, enjoy the pictures...
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Nak Cuti Ke Mana Ye?
Does anyone has any recommendations for a holiday resort locally in Malaysia that is children friendly? We are planning for our holiday next year. And Hubby doesn't want to go abroad since Aaryan is still quite young and it would be a handful travelling with both kids. (nampak gaya angan-angan nak pi Hong Kong kena postpone lah ni..bummer!). Anyhow, I've been looking around for some cozy places that we can go next year. By then Aaryan would grow up a lil bit more. For the time being our options are pretty much limited. Langkawi is definitely out since we went there early this year. So other options that we have is either Penang, Cherating or perhaps Sabah/Sarawak. No island trips for us, since we can't enjoy much and takleh nak turun pi snorkelling (although this is our favorite activity time berdua dulu :p) since we won't be having any Bibik around to look after the kiddos.
For now, I've only checked out two places. First option is Club Med Cherating. A lil bit on the pricey side (a whole lot la actually). For a 2 nights stay for all 4 of us, that will costs us around RM2700 (baik mek pi holiday over the sea kot :p). That price is incluvise of room rates, taxes, surcharges, gourmet meal all through-out the day, sports and activities. Kira its an all-inclusive price package la. Unless kalo nak add on spa treatment or Kiddy Activity for Nia, then we'll have to pay extra. Googled for some reviews for the resort and seems pretty promising. But I remember reading a blog somewhere (last year) that they had some problems during check-in. I'm a lil bit reserved on this kind of resorts actually - those yg mat salleh oriented. Sebab selalunye, the treatment that they give to a foreign traveller and a local visitor usually differs. But I shall reserve that judgement until I can see it for myself.
Second option that I've checked out tapi rasenye takleh proceed is Pangkor Laut. Huhuhu. Oh-so-awesome resort. But I think this is more suitable for honeymooners kot. One thing yg rasa 'bahaya' skit is the open air shower. Kang ade jugak yg si Nia terkezot kalo ternampak mommy or babah showering nanti. LOL. Tak ke naye. But if it's just for the 2 of us, this would definitely be in my list. Romantic gitew u ols. Bercanda underneath the moon, anyone? *naughty grin*
Another one that I like is Shangri-La Golden Sands Resort Penang. I know the hotel is pretty nice, they have a huge pool, the beach is white and sandy, and ade activity site for kids - which I know Nia will enjoy very much. But we've been here before for Family Day last year with Kerang and I feel like rugi la if we repeat going to the same place twice!
So, I'm open if anyone has any other suggestions. My requirements would be, nice+comfortable+clean+spacious room. Kids friendly. Huge pool. Anything in mind? Please let me know ya wahai rakan-rakan. Sabah/Sarawak suggestions are also welcome kalo dah takde yg kat Peninsular ni. I'm sure Malaysia has something nice to offer, cuma tak tahu je kat mana. Do share with me if you and your family have been anywhere fun and nice. It might be worth checking out.
Monday, October 10, 2011
My Babies
as for dobot yg forever happy....he's never fussy...smiling all the time...nangis only when he's angry or sleepy...still not showing any signs of turning over to his tummy....and kepala pon still jugak duk head-banging...ahahah....takpela...berat kena tarik dek pipi kot...:p....
macam tak sangka plak, how fast time flies...goshh...rasa mcm baru je kluar spital...anyhow, i'm enjoying my time with both of them...snuggly wuggly time...everyday bau susu masam kena muntah dek Aaryan pon best je...akaka....perfume to mommy's nose...LOL...whatever it is, i'm glad to see both my babies growing up healthily, Alhamdulillah... next year kite plan birthday bash hip & happening lagey...:p
Thursday, October 6, 2011
IT Refresh
We are re-structuring, again!
Sesungguhnya, if u work with a MNC,u have to be mentally prepared for a re-structuring exercise all the time... Similar to everyone else who affected because of the previous economic meltdown, the same also happened to us, despite working with one of the O&G, tak semestinye, koje company beso ni selamat naaa...
Back in 2009, we had a major restructuring exercise...3000-5000 staff kena cantas globally....leaders not excluded...sume kena...across all functions and, this month, another wave jadi...and this time it is specifically to the IT structures... lucky us, this time takde yg losing jobs...cume tuko reporting line, new structure layout and such...katanye to make it more effective ...tahu la how management talk kan...
this morning, i had a quick 121 session with my lead from Houston...and found out that my team will be moved from our current function and masuk under another business revamp of reporting line...teruja? boleh tahan la...that means, we get to have a bigger portfolio...and that also means, i'll have a new boss nanti...takut jugak ni...hopefully boss ok and still flexi and understanding as what we currently have...when will this take place? April now, its the transition period for everyone...
so like what they always say here in have to embrace change...darn it....kalo dah slalu sangat change...nak embrace pon dah lali let's wait and see...and hope for the best...
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
tengok ini calendar ku yg menggila...mahu tak sakit jiwa and raga, kalo every week mcm gini...baru balik maternity leave 3 weeks and I'm back to my same state before cuti dulu...lucky me, at least now, at night takde la hari2 ade call...still have la sometimes...but not so regular...kesian anak-anak kalo tak...haihh...mommies out there...mcm mana la korang cope and manage work life balance....i envy you...*sigh*...
Monday, October 3, 2011
Potluck at Our Pad
all in all, i had fun catching up with the ladies...dah jadi mem-mem sume nye....dah ade anak...ade yg tgh expecting...ade yg baru beli rumah...ade yg kerja tgh booming....zasss...happy for my time bole la organize lagi....yeay....umah Sarah plak, for house-warming...i jadik committee bawak desert..huhuhuh..