Percaya tak percaya, we are almost there reaching our finishing line tomorrow... Macam-macam we went thru together... From Mommy's early evening sickness... Muntah everytime balik kerja dalam kereta Babah..ahahaah... To mommy's continuous constipation...ahahah... then came along the piles (erkkk....ya ampun - make sure next pregnancy tak kena lagi da benda alah ni....seksa!!).... then kite went thru a very high fever once - luckily we were not admitted - although babah dah jadi nurse ala2 nurse kat DSH jugak cos mommy da lembik to the bone... but Alhamdulillah, you are still growing strong in the belly... and I'm very thankful for that... tomorrow Insya Allah we will meet and greet each other for the first time and I have to say I'm quite nervous as much as you are too... so nervous that Mommy even had a nightmare malam tadi hokehh...eheheh...anyhow, on top of all the nervousness, I am very anxious and excited to see your chubby face... my prayers for the past 9 months tak pernah stop even once so that, baby mommy ni, sihat and sempurna, Insya Allah... so, lil guy, make sure you get enough rest today, cos tomorrow is going to be a big day for all of us... till I see you in the operation theatre esok, just remember, that i love you so very much!...
To my dearest Princess Daania...
Mommy is not sure how much of all these happening that you can actually understand...but one thing that I want you to be sure of is, regardless whatever it is, you are still very much the princess of my heart... i love you so much and i'm very proud of you that you are going thru this very bravely... and i am very sure that you will adore your baby brother in no time too...ehhehe... frankly, mommy da tak sabo da nak amik gambo Nia baring berdua with Baby A nanti...i'm sure you both will look very cute...i'm sorry that i won't be lying next to you when you wake up from your sleep for the next 2-3 days....but mommy will be back home very soon and you can also come over and visit mommy kat hospital nanti ok sayang....till i'm back home, make sure to behave yourself, dengar cakap wan and kakak imah you lots baby girl...
To my Husband...
Thank you for being next to me all through out this journey... thank you sebab jadi tukang urut blakang when i'm all over the toilet bowl... thanks sebab tolong basuhkan my puke afterwards...ekekekke....thanks for accompanying me to the countless visits to the hospitals and clinics without fail...thanks for being my nurse when i'm down under... thanks sebab jadi tukang paksa makan ubat...akakak....else, sure sihat lagi lambat sebab tolong letak minyak angin and giving me a backrub during those wicked bad days...thanks for waking up and staying up next to me when i can't seems to fall asleep...thanks for sharing my fears and my worries and for reminding me of what is important...thanks for coming into the OT with me tomorrow and most of all, thank you for being the father of my children...i love you very much...
So finally, mommy is ready and will be all packed today to check-in to Hotel Hospital tomorrow morning... till my next post with details on Baby A's arrival, take care all and do pray for my safe delivery, Amin... :-)
harap semuanya berjalan lancar dan semoga dipermudahkan..tak sabar jugak nk tengok baby baru
Semoga dipermudahkan segalanya..both mummy and baby..
Adam tak sabar nk jumpe geng baru!
all the best dear, seronoknye ;) i dah overdue but still no sign of labour! :( tak larat dah & penat nervous camni, tak sabar nk tgk baby huhu..
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