Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Ears!!!

There's something wrong with my right ear.

Since Monday this week, I've been having problems to hear from my right ear. At first, ingatkan just water masuk time mandi and tersumbat. But now the ringing is getting louder, and today I'm having problem to hear from my right side. Makanya, pergi la check at the Shell House clinic. The doctor tengok la telinga, tapi she said my both my ears are very clean - in fact sampai takde wax pon kat dalam. There's no swelling or any redness either. Makanya, she gave me some Clarinase and Nasal Spray to clear this off. But somehow I'm very skeptical that this would work. Katanya, it could be my sinus menyebabkan the inside part of the ear is swollen ke ape. But she can't see even after checking my nose. Haihhh. The ringing doesn't stop and now I'm not confident that the nasal spray or even Clarinase would work. Makanya, I'm thinking of asking for a referral letter so that I can go and check with the ENT specialist tomorrow. Sebab, kepala makin berat, and its throbbing on the right side belah belakang. And my God!!! The ringing!!! Eiii…stress!!! Cakap telipon pon dengar like pelik so I had to use my left ear….*sigh*…

So, petang ni nak try call the Shell clinic again and check if I can get the referral letter…else, I'll go to a normal GP later tonight and get a referral to see Dr Awal at DSH tomorrow…

Shared this with Ida pagi tadi, and she said the same happened to her also last time - to the extend she can't walk in the end….sebab rupanya, her eardrums were swollen…and normal GP cant see it using the normal benda that they have to check your ears at the clinic tu…so she also had to go to a ENT to put some medications in her ears to it cleared and reduce the swelling!! ERK!!!

Takut jugak telinga duk berdengung ni…uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Somemore, we're planning to go back to JB tomorrow….adoiiiii….macam mana ni…telinga tengah tak sedap….kepala pon semacam je….and the worst of all, I cant really hear when people are talking to me!!!...Panic Mode - ON! L


mylongjourney said...

haiya..itu macam ka?? Agak menakutkan..huhuh..The same thing happened to my sister because of chronic sinus. But the decision to see ENT is the best lah nani. My sister dulu pun jumpe GP but with no improvement at all. Jumpe specialist baru lah dapat tahu ape yg sebenarnya jadi. Anyway jangan risau sangat .I-Allah xde ape yg serius but HAVE to see ENT Sp. ASAP :)

Eliss said...

abang aku last mth jadik mcm tu jugak.last2 doc ckp ada lubang kat gegendang telinga dia.then doc operate tutup gegendang telinga dier yang berlubang tu.doc ckp sebab kuat bersin!

zakirah said...

cunani, mintak mc byk2 next wik kite pegi shopping nak? :p

mrs Fahmi said...


:: mommy :: said...

takde pe lah... dont worry lepas ENT da tengok insyaALLAH ok punya...

aunty ummi... shopping untuk meen!!