Thursday, June 17, 2010


Ade orang actually asked me if I am pregnant?...Apekah?...Not only 1 person....but 2 person....within the same day lagi...huwaaaaaaaa...adekah ku kelihatan semakin "sihat"?....huwaaaaaaa.......

The answer is....No, I am not pregnant lah....tsssskkkkkkk...

Setelah dirisik-risik...rupanya, its because of a comment that I had on my Facebook sister went and commented something like, "how's the 'new family member' doing?"...and now everyone seems to think that the 'new family member' refers to a bun in the oven....haiyaaa....

sabo je, ladies and mentioned above....saya tidak pregnant - at least not yet...eheheh...the new family member that my sister was talking about is our new ride....^_^


:: mommy :: said...


mrs Fahmi said...

sabo je la wehh....first org tanye....i mcm ooo...typical question...then a second person the same day?!!!....terus gua panic wooo....dah makin gemok ke ape sume tanye preggie ke dok ni...iskkk

zakirah said...

see how ppl can misinterpret information :p
hahahahaha nasib baik gua explain where the question come from kalo tak...hehehe konfem lu ingat lu gemoks

jgn mare daa