Last week, post our raya in Terengganu, we went back to celebrate Eid with my in-laws in Batu Pahat, Johor. Things were going on fine until our third day in Batu Pahat...out of the blue, Nia suddenly contracted fever on Tuesday - 14th Sept...thinking that it is nothing serious, we brought her to a normal child's specialist that day itself...at the clinic, we realized that her body temp is rather high for a normal fever, which was 39...so the Paed inserted Voltaren to help to control the fever...Back home we went and she seems to cool down a bit...
The same night, we had a BBQ and a small family gathering at home....by 7pm Nia was all up and running and active as the usual...her temp was still there, but only mild...we gave her the antibiotics and fever syrup as instructed...around 9pm, seeing that she's tired and seems to be a little clingy to me, I brought her inside to change and to put her to sleep...as we went into the bedroom which was mildly air-conditioned, suddenly she started shivering...thinking that she's too cold, I brought her outside to the living area to change her....after thats done, we went back inside the bedroom and i switched off the air-cond....cradled her and started reciting the prayers for her to sleep....suddenly, I noticed that her eyes started to roll up and her body is jerking....Ya Rabbi.....seeing her eyes rolled up - reminded me during the time Abah tengah nazak....panic and takut at that time, Tuhan je la yang tahu....immediately i ran outside while carrying Nia, and menjerit mcm org gila calling my husband yang tengah duk entertained the relatives....luckily we had a relative who is a Doctor amongst our guest at that time, and she quickly told us to strip Nia naked of all her clothes and her diaper....at the time, Nia dah tak sedar, she's having a fit attack due to the high tempreature - 40.1C....we sponged her with water and ice....all the time, mulut ni tak abes-abes duk berselawat and calling her name....menggeletar tangan and kaki Mummy....Ya Allah - never ever I would want to go through that moment again....after 1-2 mins that seems like eternity - Nia gained consciousness again and started crying and calling out my name....Alhamdulillah - that was a moment that I would never ever forget - leganye - syukur teramat sangat that she's back with us....

We kept sponging her, and the relative Doctor gave her another round of Voltaren....since her temp didn't go down much - it lingers around 38-39, we immediately dress her back and rushed to Pantai Medical Centre, Batu Pahat...So, checked-in and had to spent 4 days of our raya at the hospital....I didn't really mind sleeping and staying at the hospital, as long as I know that the doctors and nurses are around in case Nia had another round of fit attack...
Alhamdulillah, after 2 types of antibiotics, 4-5 bottles of glucose drip, the temp seems to settle and we checked out of Pantai MC on the 17th of Sept....I pray to Allah, that this episode will never ever repeat itself again and that Nia will always be a healthy, bubbly baby....Insya Allah
bahayanya..patut lah hari tu ms nuha demam, doc standby bagi ubat sawan sebab doc ckp kalo panas sgt boleh kena sawan.lepas ni kena extra careful la..takut boleh terjadi lagi.
sangat bahaya....apparently for babies yg under the age of 1yr ol - 6 yrs old....derang sangat prone to get fit if demam derang panas sangat....
once dah kena fit mcm Nia, ade potential untuk kena lagi....even if temp tak sampai 39-40 pon dah high risk....so kena careful sangat2....
after lepas 6-7 yrs old, normally dia akan wear off...no more fit....
scary kan..:s
insyaALLAH she'll be fine. tp masa i read through ni pun, bergenang air mata...
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