So many things have happened… and was too busy with work (alasan standard!!)
Whatever it is, first thing first…
Salam Ramadhan al Mubarak lovelies..
I wish you and your family good health, a lot of happiness and blessings in this holy month…
Semoga kita dapat mengerjakan puasa yang sempurna disisi Allah… Insya Allah…
So far, fasting has been a breeze for me…challenge part is just nak make sure that I can sustain my EBM supply… the first 3 days of Ramadhan I couldn’t fast… Miss P finally made its decision to pay a visit again after 1 year and 1 month of hiatus…ceisss….just a few days of Ramadhan, tetiba plak dapat period…baru jer berangan thinking that I will get to fast for the whole month this year…end up, awal2 pon dah cuti….haihhh…anyway, back to EBM, on my first day of fasting (3rd Ramadhan), pump kat office, skali pump dapat 2oz je…homaigodddd….terkezutttt oiiii…sikit bebeno ni….tapi chill lagi…4th Ramadhan, I made sure I drank a lot of water the night before, more than 2litres la…pump during the day, per session 2oz jugak….aiyayaa….start to freak out la ni… tak caya, tgk la gambo kat bawah ni ha….

Sambungan update from the entry:
Went to express milk at 1pm… Now that Aaryan is already 1yr+, I’m only expressing milk sekali sehari je…Alhamdulillah, can see improvement today… If yesterday I only get 1.9oz, today in 1 session, I manage to get 3.6oz… Alhamdulillah, syukur sangat-sangat…cukup for 1 feeding for Aaryan – he only drinks about 3oz skali minum, sikit kan…eheheh…but he eats a lot – sume benda dia sapu :-) ….If like this, I’m planning to start expressing more frequently, mcm baru start dulu, just to give some stimulation…huhu…what I did last night to increase my supply today was:
1. Drink a lot of plain water – like reallllllyyyyy a lot – around 5litres kot, dari berbuka until imsak
2. Took 3 tablets of Moringa supplement before sleep, bought from Lunatots Giant KD
3. Took my Shaklee breastfeeding supplement, bought from Lydzar
4. Eat a complete meal during iftar with 3 biji kurma
5. Makan kuih for supper – last night I had burger bakar hokeh…forced hubby to go out and get one cos I was so friggin hungry…hahah…
6. Eat a healthy meal during a sahur (as mentioned previously..ehehe) with 3 biji kurma
Today, I plan untuk add on with Soya Drink…niat nye nak cari Soy Drink Melilia tu…but dunno where I can get it…do u think I can find it at Giant ke ar? Let me know ya mommies…
Till then, happy berbuka puasa with your loved ones…and jgn lupe terawikh!! That’s our “exercise” for this month…*wink*….
good luck dear. its ok. dont panic. pumping macam biasa. mayb badan shocked tak cukup air. konsisten buat all the things macam biasa ye..insya allah will be back to normal
Lydzar: Thanks babe....memang gigih jugak la ni kan...kalo ikut ati mmg dah malas...ehehe...tapi di ingatkan since dah almost reaching 1yr 2mths, sayang plak kan...huhuh
selamat berpuasa enar. biasa kalau kurang air memang merudum laa susunya yer. kena banyak minum air tapi sampai 5 litr? woowww banyaknya.hehee.patut bese :p
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