Monday, May 30, 2011

How Was Your Weekend?

Our weekend was packed!

Sabtu pagi, we went for my last check-up with the Gyne kat DSH. Alhamdulllah, Baby A is looking fine - Doc cakap baru 2.4kg - macam risau la pulak - a lil bit too small I think despite da masuk 36 weeks+ now... Kalau ikut the tracking kat BabyBump, he should be weighing 2.6kg by now... So Mommy will try to eat more ok lil guy... this week and next week hari-hari kite mintak Babah belikan Baskin Robbins - macam zaman2 Kakak Nia dulu...ekekek... anyways, Baby A is doing good in the tummy.... head down and still showing no sign to engage... amniotic fluid is ok...heartbeat is, everything is good to go... The Doctor asked us if we have decided on the date, so we told her our options, either on the 10th or the 11th... as expected, she agreed with 10th of June.... so, terus la book OT and gave me the green admission form sume... nak book bilik terus tak boleh - we can only do that 1 day before the operation - so kena call hospital... But hubby said, takyah la susah-susah, so we opted for the Premium Room... kena la topup sikit from the amount that Shell normally covers... asal selesa lepas operation nanti... so peeps, the official date is - Friday, 10 June 2011... Fuh!!

afterwards, off we went to KLCC.... kan semangat nak pergi carnival Mothercare tu...eheh... dengan boyot-boyot ni, masih jugak gigih pergi hokeh... the store was not as big as i imagined it would be...but ok la, it has more items than other Mothercare shops... there were clowns, wheels of fortune draw lots, face-painting, free popcorns and free cotton candy... Ingatkan pack giler, but lucky for us, we were there quite early, so that 'traffic' inside the store wasn't as bad... bought a couple of things, feeding bottles for Nia and Baby A...found my Lansinoh nipple cream, bought gifts for Vikrant's new baby too... and a few new tshirts for Kakak Nia...and Baby A's first blue bear...hehe...

At the store, Nia did her on her right cheek and another one on her arm....suka la makcik tu...ade glitter glitter and diamonds being sticked all over her...then we went to the next counter, where she got a pink beads wristlet made for her - jadi free sebab Babah dah purchase macam2 item kat Mothercare... so, after that, mula la dia berangan jadi Princess...*sigh*...ehehhe....afterwards, we went for lunch at Chilis... Nia was so tired, sampai tertido kat table tengah makan...kesian betol la munchkin ni....after lunch, we did some window shopping since baby girl dah pengsan ni - take the opportunity to go around kejap :p...pas ni nak dating susah da...nak plak kena perintah berkurung 45 days nanti...fuh!....then , we decided to leave KLCC.... drop-by at Masjid Negara for prayers....siap tunggu sampai Asar...then we went to Lake Garden...ahahah... semangat gilak I tell u....Babah nye la...cos he promised to the lil missy that he'll take her to the playground...alang2 da memang kat area tu, he decided to drop by terus kat Lake biar la let loose some steam at the playground for 1hr+...

Then on Sunday morning, we went to the Curve.... saje gatai bawak Nia pi tengok KungFu Panda 2... ternganga je la Nia inside the cinema.... there were no songs unlike the typical Princess-sy movies that she loves so much.... so ended up, dia keep on asking me, kenapa tu...kenapa tu...kenapa tu...eheheheh...hadoii...cian anak mommy...couldn't understand the movie so much....but she had fun - bole la gelak-gelak at some of the actions yg funny.... after the movie, we asked her, if she wants to watch Panda again.... then she answered, "But I want to watch Princess!!"....haihhh...princess lagi....kena ajar suke benda lain apart from Princess la mcm gini....

that was our weekend, how was yours? did you had a good time like we did? I hope you do... ;-)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Me Want To Go.... Jom Jom Jom Mommies?!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Feeling Bad

I've been having trouble sleeping for the past 2 months... I noticed that I have to sleep in earlier than the usual timing, cos by midnite, I'll be wide awake and susah sangat for me to get back to ZzzZZz-land afterwards... reason being bukan ape.... one if because of the ever-bulging tummy... so yes, its getting bigger and bigger... so, it has been very difficult for me to get into a comfortable position to sleep... then, we have the toilet trips... for instance, last night je la....I think i had to use the loo for a total of 5 times...then the 6th time, bgn solat then, memang rasa sangat exhausted cos of sleep deprived.... dah la nak bangun with a pot-belly is ain't no joke ok... asal nak duduk je, I had to use the baby cot handrail yg ade next to me...then I can pull myself up... kalau tersalah angle, my calf for sure akan cramping - cos of muscle pull.... dah la nak kencing tak tertahan, cramping la plak...aiyoooo... so yes, I am really really looking forward to delivery... bukan la nak complaint... actually i'm taking this is a practice run....yer la, after this pon memang sleepless nights jugak... with Baby A around... but sometimes, u just miss the times when u can just sleep uninterrupted... nak plak tgk sebelah, Nia and Babah nye syiokkkk je tido...haihh... saba je la...

Making things kalau takleh nak tido at night tu...mula la otak ni duk pk macam-macam.... one of the things that is constantly messing me up is, i have this guilty conscience about Nia having to be a Kakak at such a young age....adoii...tak tahu la kenapa...i keep on feeling guilty that she won't be getting our attention 100% dah lepas ni...yer la, with Baby A around, she'll have to share us la... selalu rasa kesian to Nia... and now i noticed that i tend to give in with her more... which is no good jugak in the long run... *sigh*...i wonder if other parents feel the same way too... sometimes when she sleeps, she looks very much like a baby still...yer la, baru 2.5yrs young kan...takut jugak in case Nia tak puas lagi nak really hope that she can adapt and accept her baby brother nanti...tu lah nye...some of the mommy's concerns... ini tak campo risau about the delivery, about managing 2 kids and a husband, about my work which requires me to have nightly telecons with 2 kids, about the pain after delivery, about my ability to fully breastfeed... huwaaa.... ingatkan benda-benda ni risau time nak bersalin for the first time je... rupanya, its the same cycle again...geeezzz...get a grip....okla, whatever it is, i've taken a few days leave prior to my delivery date...harap-harap that few days can actually put me into perspectives and calm me down... mommy needs to be mentally and physically prepared to go through this... Insya Allah...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Lost Forgotten Girl

Ya Rabbi....

The world is really coming to an end.... Somehow lately ni, banyak sangat news about children passing away...this is just so sad and tragic... memang lah dikatakan takdir.... but seriously, i don't get it how can we forget our child and left them for a solid 1 hour locked inside the car under the scorching sun!!...Masya Allah... not that I would want to judge the father... I'm sure it was not on purpose ke ape... so negligence aside....i just truly hope that this kind of things will not happen dah lepas ni.... Parents should be more vigilant and alert... tak kisah la time tu tengah kelam kabut ke...tengah stress ke ape ke...but our children should always be protected, no matter what... okla....mek taknak emo know further why i'm being so dramatic, sila la click kat link bawah ni....

Monday, May 23, 2011

When the Tough gets Going...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Miss B = Bengang!

Mood yang sangat stress and depressed these past 2 days.... nak cite pon takleh.... so shut up and stand up straight.... *sigh*... Lucky Nia ade nak jadi penghibur hati Mommy yg tengah emosional ni... Boleh jugak buat Mommy gelak-gelak...thanks Baby Girl.... You're always my ray of sunshine!... Muwahs!... Hopefully this will all pass soon.... Amin...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pusat Akuatik Darul Ehsan

bersempena with the public holiday yesterday, we decided to do something a lil bit fun for Nia...yer la...lepas ni once Mommy dah start pantang, Nia pon kena pantang skali la with Mommy at home... takleh lar nak jalan-jalan on every weekend for 45 days.... since, Babah dia pon dah promised to her that he will take her swimming, we decided to go to Pusat Akuatik Darul Ehsan Shah Alam.... we've been hearing good reviews about the place.... my nieces and nephews are all regular patrons to this public pool... they've been taking swimming classes on every weekend and have been going since they are 3-4 years old... all the while, asal depa ajak, tak pernah plak teringin nak pi... so this time, I told Fahmi, let's try it out... tak cuba tak tahu... i'm not a big fan of huge crowds, so Sunway Lagoon is totally out of the picture... so it was either this place or pool at The Club, Bukit Utama... tapi itu we'll have to pay more la, since both of us are non-members... makanya, googled for some public reviews of the place and so far out of 5 blogs, all 5 have given the place a thumb's up... so, yesterday, off we went to Pusat Akuatik Darul Ehsan - awal gila hokehh...kol 8.45am dah terpacak kat ticketing about being kiasu!!...

Nia pon excited - despite kena kejut from her sleep, she's in good spirit and tak cranky at all... teruja nak swimming lar tu...nampak pool je da terjerit-jerit..hishhh...anyways, bought our ticket priced at MYR2.50/each for adults....children under 3yrs old is free of 9am sharp, the guards allow us to go my my...that place is HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEe i tell u...the pool besakkkk gilakkk.... at first ingat nak amik entrance to indoor pool...skali abang ticket tu ckp, the shallowest corner for indoor would be 10ft deep...terus tak jadi...mek beli ticket outdoor ja la....i think the depth was around 4ft....ok la....the kiddie pool pon besar pon sadly it was closed for maintenance... else, it would've been more fun - cos siap ade slide bagai macam.... but after awhile, i realized the sun seems to be right smack on top of the kiddies pool....and it was pretty cool around the adult tak kisah la... Nia pon ade her arms float... i believe she enjoyed the outing very much.... she swam for a solid 2 hours...naik atas for 15mins recharge energy makan nasi lemak and drank a box of lychee drink... i didn't go into the water.... if i did i would've been like a penguin with this huge Nia had all the fun with her Babah.... takpela... kasi bonding time daddy-doter skit...eheheh.....

so our review?...will we come back here?... i think we will...maybe not anytime soon - since i'm almost due... so Nia kena tunggu lepas mommy abes pantang la...then we can come here for a dip again....not bad for a public pool....although i do wish they can provide more seats around the area cos I saw many parents had to end up sitting on the floor sebab tak cukup kerusi...lucky for us we were quite early, so we get to hog 4 seats and a table...ehehhe...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Hello Baby A!

Baby A at 34 weeks - ni last Saturday (14 May 2011) punye check up....again try nak buat the 4D scan, but we still couldn't get a clear picture like what we got for Nia dulu....placenta masih nak jugak cover Baby A's face...I think out of all the images that we got, yg ni la kot yg paling clear....he looks a lot chubbier now...pipi da tembam...currently at 34 weeks, he's weighing 2.3kg-2.4kg....Alhamdulillah sihat baby Mommy ni....if you ask any pregnant mom pon, itu la doa siang malam, so that baby lahir nanti sihat dan sempurna....Insya Allah...

anyways, just an update during our last pre-natal check....Doctor dah confirm that 80% i might have to go under the knife again...reason being is, baby is getting bigger (by the time due estimated dah 3kg+ - similar like Nia before)....and the problem with me is, my pelvic bone is the baby takleh nak, the likelihood for another c-section is she said, go ahead and start thinking of a preferred date... anytime in mid June...takyah tunggu 40 weeks (kalo tak my actual EDD is actually 25 June = 40 weeks) now 37-38 weeks pon doctor da cakap we're good to go...cos the baby is getting bigger...but papehal, the final confirmation will be during our next check up in 2 weeks time...time tu dah 36, kalo baby shows no sign of heading south, makanya, mekk harus la pergi ke DSH and menyerah diri kat OT....hmmm...hilang ler angan2 bagai macam nak masuk labour room la ape la....oo well....tak kisah la, as long as the delivery is safe for both myself and Baby A - it doesnt really matter how we do it...ikut pintu ka ikut tingkap ka..kekeke....

So pick a date hurmm....ehehhe...i'm thinking of 11-06-11...cantek gak tu ek...but it falls on a Saturday - not too sure if Dr Susanna would wanna have a surgery on her busiest day of the week....kena check with her la...else, i think we'll opt for either 06-06-11....or 10-06-11...let's see how it goes...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

33 Weeks, 5 Days and 38c

I'm having high fever for the past 2 nights.... Funny thing is, it only happens at night... Last night it got so bad, that I was shivering despite having the blanket on... So I checked using our thermometre, baru perasan, that I've hit 38c - no wonder da start mengigil.... Turun bawah, telan Panadol, and tried to sleep....susah plak nak lelap cos tak dapat position best with the huge tummy.... pusing punye pusing, in the end tido jugak.... Woke up for Subuh prayers, felt slightly better.... temp has gone down to 37.6c.... Alhamdulillah... Kepala pon tak whoozy as much.... Decided to still come to the office, cos banyak giler meeting arini, and I have so many things to settle.... Then tetiba pagi ni tengah telecon ngen big boss from US, start rasa body temp naik balik....muka da panas...mata pon sama...kepala pon start pusing...aiyoyo.... after telecon finished at 11am tadi, sms Fahmi and told him I need to go to the, tunggu je la dia mai amik and bawak pi clinic - I still wish that we can have an internal clinic in the office like we used to...I'm guessing, its viral in combination with the super humid weather.... papehal, takut jugak demam-demam during 3rd trimester ni... risaukan Baby A la.... so, gi je la amik ubat.... Sabtu ni check-up with Dr Susanna...yeayy!!...can't wait to see Baby A in the monitor again....

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Professional Studio Photoshoot at 50% Discount!

Menarik menarik!!...ok...seriously, I think I've become one of those cheap bargains junkie...anything that comes from Groupsmore or MilkADeal or ChurpChurp or any bargain website la, sure nak tgk and weigh the pros and cons.... takde la sume benda pon nak beli kan...certain things yg rasa mcm relevant je la.... my first purchase was with MilkADeal for a 45mins outdoor photophoot on Mother's Day baru second one was from Groupsmore, thats if for a hardcover Photobook that can fit 250pics with a mere price of MYR60... and my latest purchase pagi ni adalah, another photoshoot session, but this one would be at the studio.... the expiry date is up until the end of 2011....its a 2 hours shoot, siap dapat photobook lagi and a max number of 4 pax...kalo lebey, bayar MYR80/person...I was thinking, nak gune this coupon, untuk amik gambar kami after Baby A da kluar nanti.. by year end, at least dia da besar bole la amik family picture and gambar deme 2 beradik with Nia... teruja!!!...ekekeke....if you are interested, you still have time to purchase this do so, just click here!

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Box of Patchi from my Love-lies!

Just sharing what I got from my sayang-sayang for Mother's Day.... I'm pretty sure the money came from Babah..... But the delivery of the gift was done by Nia... hehehe...she came over with the box and gave it to me after I finished my Maghrib prayers.... mommy siap dalam telekung lagi kot...ahahah.... she said, " Mommy....besday to you"....aahaha....I guess dia da lupa ape Babah dia da pesan what to say....anything wrapped or comes with a ribbon equals to a birthday gift for her...anyways, mommy is really touched with the box of golden Patchi.... and I love both of you very very very much too!!!...muwaksssssss.... Thank you darlings....

p/s: Notice the blue and pink thumb-prints?... no wonder I've been hearing Nia talking about her's is pink and Babah's is blue...was wondering what that was all about....hehehehe...

Backpain Hits Again!

Ouch!!! Backpain is my second name .... woke up this morning, to a terrible ache behind my neck, between my shoulder blades and above my waistline... i think this is partly due to 'exercise' that i was forced to do yesterday morning at Lake Garden... in conjunction to mother's day, we decided to take have a family outdoor portraiture photoshoot here with DFChannel Photography was a pretty good and cheap deal that I got from MilkADeal... for a 45mins shoot, unlimited shots and everything will be given back to us, posted via PosLaju with a CD and a 8R shot that has been edited.... at first rasa 45mins macam kejap....but yesterday, macam berperang rasenye...hhahaha....

My princess was grumpy all though out the shoot....masa dalam kete, she was ok lagi...all happy and chirpy...when we got to Lake Garden, (first time hokehhh sampai sini), parked our car, took out all our props, that jeng jeng jeng .....there it was....a hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee elaborate playground that is fullllllllll with kids screaming and shouting!!!!....arghhhhh..... Little Missy pon ape lagi....terus la menjerit ckp..."I wanna go play at the playground!!!"....when Mommy said, we'll go after the shoot, terus muka masam mencuka and her eyes are still glued there - tak berpaling tgk ke lain...huwaaaaaaaaa....macam-macam la anak daraku...makanya, mommy and babah had to do all kind of tricks just to try to make her smile....out of the hundreds of shots, ade la 2-3 je kot yg dia tersengih....hmmm....semek oh bangun pagi tadi, kruukkk krakkkk kruukkk krakkkk laaa tulang blakang mak buyong 8 bulan ni ha....hmmm....can't wait to hit the home run soon!....

Friday, May 6, 2011

Anak Itu Hadiah Yang Paling Berharga

Ya Allah....
Sedihnye rasa when I read the paper recently...3 small young girls, were swept away by the current whilst they were picnicing at one of the picnic spots in Kuala Pilah....they were so young...baru umur 5 yrs, 4 yrs and 2 yrs old...and yg bongsu plak is still missing, masih tak jumpe jenazah arwah...kite yg stranger baca news ni pon rasa sangat sedih tak terkata...i don't even want to think how the mother is feeling right now....Astaghfirullah.... sesungguhnya, anak-anak itu kurniaan yg paling berharga from God...I pray that none of us will ever have to go thru the pain of losing a child....biarkan sorang, apatah lagi 3 org sekaligus... Insya Allah, arwah bertiga selamat di tempat yg lebih bahagia, and become bidadari-bidadari syurga yg sempurna....Al-Fatihah for adik-adik kita ini... and hopefully the parents of the children are strong to go thru dugaan yg maha besar for anyone to go thru...

TGIF I glad that the week is finally over!! it has been a painful week for me...can't wait for some R&R this weekend....lower backpain is my bestfriend now....tak termasuk the pain between my shoulder blades or the piles that thankfully have started to shrink....i am seriously in need of a back spa bukan main lagi...but can't find any which is really pregnancy-friendly...thinking of going to jentayu....but they don't have a specific menu for pre-natal massage....found one at khareyena spa...thinking of this one too....tatau la can still place my booking ke dak...kena mintak permisi from encik suami dulu...but a backrub sounds so darn tempting... ok la....have a good weekend everyone...i hope i will!! :-)

Thursday, May 5, 2011


it's confirmed...dengan tak malu nye, nak mengaku, I'm having piles right now....sakit nye Tuhan je la yg tahu....everything started disebabkan my constipation yg tak abes-abes...I should've quickly went to the doctor to ask for some laxatives to soften the stool....but i thought it wouldn't be so bad - cos previous pregnancy pon kena jugak constipation ni...but i guess this time lagi took a turn for the worse 2 days ago, when I started seeing blood in the toilet bowl when i passed my motion...*gulp*...dah takut da..then my bum da sakit to the max this time....but it got slightly better at night - so i guess this time piles tak menjadi lagi....most likely it was only rectal bleeding kot....then somehow yesterday morning, i had this super urge to go to the toilet again....ingatkan mcm nak tahan since bum pon still pedih, but this urge mcm takleh nak tahan....kena jugak off i went, and the 10mins i was inside the bathroom was the hardest I've ever had....siap shivering, sweating sume cukup lengkap la...ala-ala mcm dah nak bersalin plak....the pain, needless to say, was excruciating!! somehow, i still have the energy to go to the office - in pain....spent the whole day rasa sakit - tak sedo lagi ade piles ni....pelik jugak awat laa pedih tak ilang-ilang....things got worse in the afternoon - i guess bcos if the hours i spent sitting at my desk - nak bangun sakit - so most of the time kat office, i spent it sitting down and not moving...balik office, terus gi clinic, doctor check and terus prescribed ubat...hmmm...malam tadi, the pain got worse...berdenyut+pedih+sengal+ngilu sume cukup lengkap....i couldn't go up from a sitting position without feeling the pain...and if i were to lie down, i had to do it on my side...i think Nia pon tahu that Mommy was in pain - cos she saw my tears, and came over to hold my hand, and lie down next to me...and then siap kiss cakap, ubat da abes ke mommy....ahahaha...

this morning bangun, the pain is still there, but at least it's tolerable....i'm walking so slowwwwwly i feel as though i've already given birth...akakakak...over tak over....this is one lesson learnt that will never be forgotten...morale of the story is....sila la makan sayo and fruits and hi-fiber food....and lots and lots of H2O!!!....fingers crossed that this will not have any re-lapse again for the next 50 days that i have left for this pregnancy...and for the next pregnancies that i might have, mintak simpang jauh2 la penyakit piles ni....*shiver*....

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I'm suffering from a very chronic lower back pain campo sakit ya amat on my left shoulder blade...everyday, sure akan rasa ngilu and menyucuk2....i guess it's bcos of the long hours at the office duk tgk laptop....cos you're slouching and the back posture isn't so top it off... i've been having constipation for the past 2 weeks...rasa mcm nak poo-poo....which i did, tapi mcm tak clear all my bowels....then yesterday, somehow i noticed there's a bloody show in the toilet bowl....mcm orang period hokehh...huwaaa....harus la ekzos sakit gilak....this second pregnancy ni....i've been having bloody stool for a couple of times already...but it hasn't been as bad as this one... ade piles ke ni? far today, tak berani nak berak ke ape...kemut ja laa...eheheh...else, kena gi jumpe gyne mintak ubat lar...:-'(...