Thursday, May 5, 2011


it's confirmed...dengan tak malu nye, nak mengaku, I'm having piles right now....sakit nye Tuhan je la yg tahu....everything started disebabkan my constipation yg tak abes-abes...I should've quickly went to the doctor to ask for some laxatives to soften the stool....but i thought it wouldn't be so bad - cos previous pregnancy pon kena jugak constipation ni...but i guess this time lagi took a turn for the worse 2 days ago, when I started seeing blood in the toilet bowl when i passed my motion...*gulp*...dah takut da..then my bum da sakit to the max this time....but it got slightly better at night - so i guess this time piles tak menjadi lagi....most likely it was only rectal bleeding kot....then somehow yesterday morning, i had this super urge to go to the toilet again....ingatkan mcm nak tahan since bum pon still pedih, but this urge mcm takleh nak tahan....kena jugak off i went, and the 10mins i was inside the bathroom was the hardest I've ever had....siap shivering, sweating sume cukup lengkap la...ala-ala mcm dah nak bersalin plak....the pain, needless to say, was excruciating!! somehow, i still have the energy to go to the office - in pain....spent the whole day rasa sakit - tak sedo lagi ade piles ni....pelik jugak awat laa pedih tak ilang-ilang....things got worse in the afternoon - i guess bcos if the hours i spent sitting at my desk - nak bangun sakit - so most of the time kat office, i spent it sitting down and not moving...balik office, terus gi clinic, doctor check and terus prescribed ubat...hmmm...malam tadi, the pain got worse...berdenyut+pedih+sengal+ngilu sume cukup lengkap....i couldn't go up from a sitting position without feeling the pain...and if i were to lie down, i had to do it on my side...i think Nia pon tahu that Mommy was in pain - cos she saw my tears, and came over to hold my hand, and lie down next to me...and then siap kiss cakap, ubat da abes ke mommy....ahahaha...

this morning bangun, the pain is still there, but at least it's tolerable....i'm walking so slowwwwwly i feel as though i've already given birth...akakakak...over tak over....this is one lesson learnt that will never be forgotten...morale of the story is....sila la makan sayo and fruits and hi-fiber food....and lots and lots of H2O!!!....fingers crossed that this will not have any re-lapse again for the next 50 days that i have left for this pregnancy...and for the next pregnancies that i might have, mintak simpang jauh2 la penyakit piles ni....*shiver*....


zakirah said...

jangan lupa sayuran hijau!
btw nia is sooo sweet...rasa nak booking buat menantu :p