Ya Rabbi....
The world is really coming to an end.... Somehow lately ni, banyak sangat news about children passing away...this is just so sad and tragic... memang lah dikatakan takdir.... but seriously, i don't get it how can we forget our child and left them for a solid 1 hour locked inside the car under the scorching sun!!...Masya Allah... not that I would want to judge the father... I'm sure it was not on purpose ke ape... so negligence aside....i just truly hope that this kind of things will not happen dah lepas ni.... Parents should be more vigilant and alert... tak kisah la time tu tengah kelam kabut ke...tengah stress ke ape ke...but our children should always be protected, no matter what... okla....mek taknak emo lebih-lebih...to know further why i'm being so dramatic, sila la click kat link bawah ni....
dengar gak tadi kt radio..sangat kesian budak tu..
saya sungguh tak berani tinggalkan anak2 bersendirian dalam kereta without adult..kita tak tau apa bakal terjadi bila ditinggalkan macam tu kan..
Lydzar: tu lar..pagi tadi nampak headline kat paper...tak sempat nak baca...sampai opis terus cepat2 google...sedihnye baca this kind of news kan...cos baru 3yrs ol...and arwah pon tak mampu nak buat anything to save herself...:-(...hopefully parents can be more careful lepas ni...and tak amik any unnecessary risks...
babe, I also wondering how can that happened. And I wish the 3-yrs-old-poor-little-girl know how to open the door. Kesian dia mesti tertido kat dlm kereta waktu the father sibuk angkat jenazah sepupu dia and she's hungry for oksigen dan kepanasan tahap Max dlm kete tu. Ohhh my...
hari ni 3 yrs old kena baham anjing plak... and anjing itu pet bapak sedara sendiri.... haizzz....
Zura: tu lar.....there's so many if only's playing in our minds kan....tapi dah too late now... :-(
Leo: hadoii..ye ke?...i tak baca paper lagi ni...ape nak jadi ni...isk....toksah kata nak risau about org2 jahat....now at home itself pon macam2 bole jadi...nauzubillah...
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