Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Am I Overweight?

Dalam duk pregnant-pregnant ni, one of the things that I enjoyed the most would be the food. Selera time boyot ngan dulu ni lain skit...nowadays, sume benda tgk nampak mcm appetizing sangat-sangat...munching away macam tak hengat dunia..... tapi kalo time nak pi monthly check at the Gyne, mula la guilty conscience starts creeping in.... all the what ifs mula la kluar...takut kena marah ngen doctor...takut doctor suh puasa la...i'm 200% malay....i'm one of those people who cannot go without rice even for a day....kalo doctor suh puasa nasi, pengsan den...ehhehe....

my next checkup will be delayed next month....cos Dr Susanna is on annual leave for 2 by the time nak pi check nanti, i will already be in the 3rd/4th week of my 7th harap-harap, by then we can see the baby clearly during our 4D scan....anyhow, just to be sure that I am still on track - sebab this month i've gained 2kg sekaligus, saje la tangan gatal check the weight tracker at BabyCentre...below is the result....fuhh....Alhamdulillah....still dalam Normal BMI....despite reaching 60kgs...ekekke.....3 months to go...tak tahu la final weight nanti brapa...yg pasti, I plan not to diet so much during pantang this that not to affect my breastmilk production...cos masa Nia dulu, rasenye susu sikit cos i had to little rice kali ni, nak makan like the usual....hopefully can still lose the kilos la....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Still Counting

Alhamdulillah - have reached 27 weeks today.

Another week to be cleared and we will officially cross-over to the big 3rd trimester.

Teruja? - Sangat! Thee hee hee.

Can't wait to meet you, Baby A.

Allah Itu Maha Mengetahui

Masya I received 3 bad news concerning my friends...I hope they are strong to go through all the dugaan...

Condolence to the family of Mieko, for the passing of her father in law, due to cancer early this morning.

Condoloence to the family of Ash, for the passing of her brother in law, due to a car crash, also early this morning.

Stay strong to Baggie, for receiving news that is a nightmare for every expecting mother, when her baby in the tummy is diagnosed with a spinal cord & brain devt deficiency...

It is true what they say, that Allah will only test those who are strong and who will be able to go through the dugaan regardless how difficult it may be...whatever it is, we are always in support for all of you...


Friday, March 25, 2011

Warehouse Clearance

fuhhh!!! DKSH is having a sale.....anddddddddddd....they're selling S26 Progress (Gold) as well as MamiPoko diapers...adoiyaiii......teruja habes ni....we so have to go and borong.....tapi esok my MIL is gonna be in town with us....takkan nak angkut dia skali kot meredah sale kat DKSH ni...ahahha.....see how la...whatever it is, i think for the offered price, it is all worth the value...selamat memborong u ols!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ape La Mommy Nih!

eikkk!!!....i missed the mark.....ingatkan aritu nak screencapture the shot starting frm the 100-days countdown....but i missed that due to busy-ness again!!!duhhhh....anyhow....just to make sure that you know what i'm talking about,'s actually the countdown for Baby A's arrival....due to my ignorance, yg terlupa nak amik gambo 100-days countdown tu, now I'm already at, another 1 week left, and I'll be crossing over to trimester 3....weeee....teruja-ness....tak saba nak jumpe Baby A....eheheh....preparation wise, takde buat anything yet.....we plan to start doing this from April far, pregnancy has been splendid...I've gained weight and membesar bagai juara seperti i weighed myself at the office gym, and with 'happiness' i would like to announce that I have crossed the 6-0 kg mark...argghhh...ingatkan nak simpan 60kg tu bile da masuk 7 still dlm 6 mths+ dah masuk 60kg....grrrr.....well, i've expected this pon....knowing well from previous experience, that I gained a total whoooppping 20kg lasttime...hmmm..pasrah je la ye...tak kisah la, asalkan Baby A comes out, healthy, sihat, sempurna in every way, Insya Allah...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dah Selesaikan Tanggungjawab Anda?

Hi Peeps,
The dateline is closing in.....ape lagi, cepat-cepat la login to e-filing before the traffic starts building up.....this year, is the first time i did e-filing on my own without help from Ida...eheheh...all the while, she has been my personal accountant....tolong submitkan and key in efiling details for me....sesungguhnye, i hate doing mmg la tak gheti nak buat....but this year, fahmi has to submit his tax payments as nak taknak, terpaksa la buat sendiri....spent the whole of today's morning on the phone with the customer service of LHDN...thankfully, they were very efficient, unlike the typical government agencies....
so Alhamdulillah, both of us dah selesai with our efling responsibilities....with the government owing us money...yahooo!!! nak ditunggu lagi...what about you? have you taken care of you efiling details?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy Birthday My Love

Yesterday Nia officially turns 2 years old...sekejap je still feels like it was yesterday that I went into the OT room to go into labour...rupanya, dah masuk 2 tahun dah anak dara mommy ni....both mommy and babah took leave yesterday to take Nia out for the promised, we went to Zoo Negara....I think the last time I was here was like 7-8 years ago....time tu pon sebab ikut the whole big family pergi jalan2 kat situ....this time around, there weren't so many people at the zoo....i guess its because it was a working most of the visitors are all kindy children and the occasional families here and take of the zoo? pretty much dissappointing.....stinky, not well maintained and a lot of room for improvements....we compared to our last visit to Singapore Zoo, and that was just was comfortable...the animals looked healthy, takde bau-bauan yg kurang menarik and so I really hope that the government canset aside some funds for our own zoo to buck up and do some serious maintenance groundwork....else, it would be a shame to see all those animals suffering macam tu....haihhh..
anyways, back to the story....mommy's munchkin had a lot of fun....she was all up and sunny pretty early in the morning....when Wan asked her where she's going, dia cakap..."Nia nak gi Joo"...eheeh...clever girl....she recognized most of the animals and had fun walking and running on her own around the place...i guess to her, it doesn't really long as the can see the animals, its all fun fun fun.....afterwards, we went for a lunch we went to 1Utama nak makan at Chilis....There, Nia get the chance to blow her birthday candle again, as we asked the waiter, to serve our ice cream brownie with a candle on top....the patrons were very nice and everone joined in when we sang happy birthday to Nia (again)...eheheh...
There are pictures taken tapi tak sempat nak transfer from Babah nye camera we'll do that next time....mommy really hope that you had fun baby girl and of course, happy 2nd birthday with all my hugs and kisses and love...mwahsss....i love you Nia - very very much!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Let's Take 5

Before chairing the daily teleconference call, let's chill and take 5....jom layan Sweet Serendipity...the very the catchy! I very very loike!
Just the thing to boost you up~
I ain’t got no car
And I've got one pair of jeans
They’ve been stretched too far
And now they’re weak at the seams
I can’t say what’s nextAnd I got nothin' up my sleeve
But I don’t lose my head
Cause it ain’t really up to me

[chorus]And I’m doing just fine
I’m always landing on my feetIn the nic of time
And by the skin of my teethI ain’t gonna stress
Cause the worst ain’t happened yet
Somethings watching over me
Like Sweet Serendipity
Sweet Serendipity

I don’t ask for a lot
No nothing more than I need
Because I love what I got
Don’t need to play the lotteryI just want to be strong
At the end of the road
I don’t want to hold on
I want the strength to let go

[chorus]And I’m doing just fine
I’m always landing on my feetIn the nic of time
And by the skin of my teethI ain’t gonna stress
Cause the worst ain’t happened yet
Somethings watching over me
Like Sweet Serendipity
And what will be will beIn the nic of time
And by the skin of my teeth
I aint gonna stress
Cause the worst ain’t happened yet
Somethings watching over me
Like Sweet Serendipity
Sweet Serendipity
Like Sweet Serendipity

Don’t look fate can only find you
You can’t choose for something to surprise you
Set sail without a destination
Just see where the wind will take you
You never know when you're gonna fall
But I'm not worried
No I'm not worried

[chorus]And I’m doing just fine
I’m always landing on my feet
In the nic of time
And by the skin of my teeth
I ain’t gonna stress
Cause the worst ain’t happened yet
Somethings watching over me
And I’m doing just fine
I’m always landing on my feet
In the nic of time
And by the skin of my teeth
I ain’t gonna stress
Cause the worst ain’t happend yet
Somethings watching over me
Like Sweet Serendipity
Sweet Serendipity
Sweet Serendipity
Don’t look fate can only find you
You can’t choose for something to surprise you
Set sail without a destination
Sweet, sweetSweet, sweet
Sweet Serendipity
Sweet, sweet
Sweet, sweet
Sweet Serendipity
I don't know
Sweet Serendipity


1. Baby A sangat active in the tummy - everytime he kicks, sampai rasa nak terkencing pon ade.
2. Mommy can no longer lie down macam biasa - end up sesak nafas and cannot breathe - so its 100% sideways kalo tido nowadays.
3. Nia is getting oh so very cheeky - she have started to converse in English - so Mommy is very happy.
4. Baby A is getting bigger and heavier - sometimes end up Mommy had to solat sambil duduk je.
5. Mommy dah start kebas tangan/kaki like previous pregnancy - and the backache pon sudah start @_@
6. Nia dah pandai blow bubbles on her own and can count 1-2-3 till 10
7. Mommy can start thinking of stuff to buy for Baby A - Babah cakap maybe next month we can start going to the shops - yippie yay!
8. Nia dah pandai kenyit-kenyit mata, muncung mulut and say "I love you too Mommy" *melts*
9. Baby A is already 24 weeks old in the tummy - lagi 16 weeks - Mommy will finally get to see you - Insya Allah

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Have You Ever Feel..

Pernah tak rasa as though you're so tired to live up to everyone's expectation out of you? I have - many times before. And sometimes rasa sampai macam dah tak larat. I just need my own space. I don't want to hear to what you have to say. I don't want to hear to that countless advice regardless how useful or true it might be. Sometimes I feel like I have the right to learn things my own way. To make my own mistakes. To do things the way I think it should be - not the way you think it should be. Basically - I'm just fed up with people giving or sharing their unwanted opinions with me. Share lah nak share. If I don't use your unwanted advice, takyah la nak buat muka or anything. Boring hokeh. urgh!! Bad chi...please go away. I need my mojo back again today.
Mode: Sangat depressed!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Nia's Dora-licious 2nd Birthday Party

Last weekend we organized Nia's Doralicious 2nd Birthday Party. Originally, we planned to have this party on a smaller scale compared to Nia's first birthday last year. Bukan ape, lesson learnt from last year, sebab ramai sangat guests, me and hubby couldn't manage to meet and speak to all of our guests. So kali ni we decided to keep on small, and cozy and invite only those yang memang rapat-rapat sahaja. So, we had a few people from the office, mostly my team members and hubby's team members. And we had our close friends. My siblings. Hubby's siblings were too far in Johor - so couldn't join us - kena la throw another party when we're back in Johor lepas ni. hahah. and a few of our next door neighbours.

This time, we decided to have this at our home - since its empty without any furnitures, so it'll be much easier to clean up afterwards. and lebey kurang ala2 house-warming la jugak. 2 in 1 punye party. hehe. we keep on short, 2 hours je, although ade yg stayed on sampai lepas maghrib but we're okay with that. And Alhamdulillah, everything went well, food pon tak byk membazir, sume habis - ni la yg penting skali. eheh.. ok lah, enough talks, enjoy the pictures...

Preparation - before the guests arrived

The first group of people dah start sampai...

Dora & Boots birthday cake with edible Dora cuppies surrounding the main cake

Birthday girl, blowing her birthday candles

Time to unwrap all the gifts..

Can start playing with the new pressies....
Buat kugiran with the cousins...eheheh

Thanks everyone for coming...hasil 'tangkapan' Nia for her 2nd birthday...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ada Jugak Downsidenye

And whoever said carpooling is easy?! Haihh.. Of course, there are a whole long list of benefits in carpooling...tapi susah jugak for working mommies like some of you might know, after I was transferred to the office in Cyberjaya, we agreed to sell off both of our cars in order to get a bigger ride...lagipon, since both of us would be based in Cyberjaya, harusla we will be carpooling and we thought having a second car would be a waste because it won't be moving at all...(ye la, knowing me yg sangatla malas nak drive sendirik kalo dah ade org nak tolong drvekan back and forth to the office...campo nak save costs la...jauh hokehhhh KD-CBJ tu..)..anyways, this is before i was 100% onboarded in this new role and before my life started getting haywire with this global role...@_@...

to cut the long story short, after 8 months being in this job, both of us are starting to see one tiny problem that we keep on encountering almost every week because of our carpool decision....hubby works 9am-6pm everyday and he regularly has late telecons until 6.30pm or sometimes even to 7pm...and dia ni type yg takkan leave the office earlier to login from home, so we always ended up leaving the office pretty late and reached home even later....

as for me, my role is a lil bit more flexi but with a crazier working hours.....i'm allowed to come into the office later (not necessarily kol 9am dah kena terpacak kat sini)....but my nights would always be full with meeting and night telecon calls with my global counterparts...sometimes as early as after i reach home at 8pm dah kena login balik until 10pm...or like today...i will hv 2 back to back telecons...from 8pm sampai la pukul 11.30pm....and the next day i still hv to go back to work at 9am cos hubby needs to be at his office by that hour....fuhh..sebab tu la i ended up working +/- 14 hours a day for the past few weeks....
so at times like these....i really miss my old vios...huwaaa....kalo ade kenderaan sendiri, takyah la mak kerja like 1/2 dead like this....and at least i will hv a lil bit of work life, balik umah, nak main ngen Nia pon tak sempat....*sigh*....the underside if working with a MNC...harap-harap rezeki kami dimurahkan la after that we can afford to get a second car again....aminnn!