Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy Birthday My Love

Yesterday Nia officially turns 2 years old...sekejap je still feels like it was yesterday that I went into the OT room to go into labour...rupanya, dah masuk 2 tahun dah anak dara mommy ni....both mommy and babah took leave yesterday to take Nia out for the promised, we went to Zoo Negara....I think the last time I was here was like 7-8 years ago....time tu pon sebab ikut the whole big family pergi jalan2 kat situ....this time around, there weren't so many people at the zoo....i guess its because it was a working most of the visitors are all kindy children and the occasional families here and take of the zoo? pretty much dissappointing.....stinky, not well maintained and a lot of room for improvements....we compared to our last visit to Singapore Zoo, and that was just was comfortable...the animals looked healthy, takde bau-bauan yg kurang menarik and so I really hope that the government canset aside some funds for our own zoo to buck up and do some serious maintenance groundwork....else, it would be a shame to see all those animals suffering macam tu....haihhh..
anyways, back to the story....mommy's munchkin had a lot of fun....she was all up and sunny pretty early in the morning....when Wan asked her where she's going, dia cakap..."Nia nak gi Joo"...eheeh...clever girl....she recognized most of the animals and had fun walking and running on her own around the place...i guess to her, it doesn't really long as the can see the animals, its all fun fun fun.....afterwards, we went for a lunch we went to 1Utama nak makan at Chilis....There, Nia get the chance to blow her birthday candle again, as we asked the waiter, to serve our ice cream brownie with a candle on top....the patrons were very nice and everone joined in when we sang happy birthday to Nia (again)...eheheh...
There are pictures taken tapi tak sempat nak transfer from Babah nye camera we'll do that next time....mommy really hope that you had fun baby girl and of course, happy 2nd birthday with all my hugs and kisses and love...mwahsss....i love you Nia - very very much!


Unknown said...

kids always love to watch animals, especially secara live kan?

seronok tengok dorang punya excited tu..

zakirah said...

happy bday Nia sayang!

:: mommy :: said...

happy birthday once again kakak! love you to bits!