Anyhow, I sure am glad to be stepping closer to the end of all kemualan dan yg sewaktu dengannya.... How's Little Miss taking in all this? I don't think she fully understands the situation yet...She know's that there's a baby inside mummy's tummy....cos she followed us to our first scanning last month....but apart from that, she's been acting like a big drama princess as the usual....mengaruk nak dukung, manja, cranky...sume la....guess its the big sister syndrome...and all this only happens when mummy is around...kalo mummy takde, ok je, behave baik-baik....oo well...i've expected this...and Nia pon still small....so I don't really mind....kang once dia dah besar, dah taknak la plak cuddly cuddly with mummy...eheheh...sementara dia nak ni.....ok la....
tak sabr jugak nak lalui semua ni balik..Insya Allah next year by hook or by crook..hahahahahaha :p
Tahniah and take a good care of your self. Nak dapat baby boy la tu kot I-Allah :) Acik ade 10 weeks to go.. Menghitung hari sebab kadang2 xlarat:)
Elis: hehehe...jom join the club!
Achieq: 10 weeks aje lagi?...cepat nye...rase baru cam aritu Achieq kabo positive preggie...eheheh...boy ke girl this time?
come on Nia.. u can be more dramatic than this.. caiyok!! *matilamak kena maki ngan mak Nia* :D
Bace my new post :) Ade kabo kat situ...Wink Wink
Aunty Leo: Nak kena babab niiiiihhh.....ekekekke
Achieq: Wah!!! Gegerl.....alhamdulillah...dah sepasang...:-)
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