I have not....even in my 28 years of life....first time I heard this was last night during dinner at home with my brothers and sisters around....and I went like..."ha??...ceper....amende tu....tak penah dengo pon"...terus kena gelak dek anak-anak buah....ceissss....rupanya, this is what people in KL call when u play with tudung botol....remember the days when we were back in primary schools, we used to hang out at the school canteen just to wait for the kakak/abang canteen to throw away all the tudung bottle and we will collect them and play in class...ehehhe....now nama dia da jadi canggih skit..."Ceper"....
tapi katanye skarang, kids in school (ini cerita from my nephew lar), they can no longer collect this at the school canteen....skang tudung bottle tu dah kena jual....sepeket ade 5 keping and dijual at the price of RM1 ke brapa sen tah....ceissss.....this canteen people are really making money....cekik darah budak-budak betol la....but i'm still glad that the legacy of main tudung botol still lives on...I can't remember the last time I played this....one thing for sure, it's sure is fun watching them now playing and challenging each other....now thats what you call semangat bersukan....be it only by flicking your fingers and not dropping a single sweat....akakakak....
owh... i think i heard it before.. but it meant frying pan yg leper tu... hehe.. i think la...
nani..cube bagi ceper ni kt 'geng bas sekolah'..sure tergelak terguling bila tgk diorg main..
hahaahah...tu ar kan...kasi bapak2 main sure la kepoh
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