ok...mommy had a panic attack this morning....the story goes like this....
last night when I was lying down in bed putting Nia to sleep....suddenly it struck me that I didn't feel Baby X kicking at all during daytime as well as nightime....zero movement from him....so when husband came into the room...i told him that he was pretty calm and said maybe the baby is sleeping....then i told him...takkan la sleep the whole day....cos i really didn't feel any flutters at all from him that day....i admit that I've been super busy and very stressed this whole week....work is piling like crap and me feel oh so very tired nowadays....but duty calls and someone gotta do the job....but I would always noticed little kicks and flutters from Junior in the tummy....especially when i'm sitting down at the office...so ok la...sambung story....then i started to shake my tummy....like literary shaking it from left to right pakai tangan...kasi gempa bumi skit to the baby inside...ahaha....and yet...still no response....ok...hati tak sedap....worry kicks in....Fahmi and Nia helped me out too..by putting their ears on the tummy and saying hello to the baby...ahaha...zilch response jugak....
so bangun subuh pagi tadi....immediately told Fahmi....i wanna go DSH...to see Dr Susanna...our appointment is not due yet....it's actually scheduled for next Saturday....but I told him....better be panic than sorry....so off we went...lucky for us it's Friday...and Doc didn't have many patients....we were No.2 in the queue when we reached her clinic....9.45am, my name was called and off we went...told Doc Susanna about my worries and she just smiled...calmly bole ckp at me not to worry its pretty common for the baby at this stage not to move so much yet...and even have days whereby i can't feel him at all....we did the scan.....and listened to his heartbeat....*phew*....baru la lega hati ini...ehehhe....he's allright....scan situ....scan sini...everything is perfect....he's size is corresponding nicely with 20weeks punye measurement...he's weighing 338grams as of today....and the Doc was nice enough to print a picture of his balls for us to show to his grandparents nanti...ahahah....tgk kat Babah nye...bukan main lebo tersengih...tgk anak dia nye balls...caitsss.....
so Alhamdulillah...everything is well....mommy je yg freakazoid mcm tah pape...ahah....as I'm writing this right now...baru sudah lunch...and Junior is moving around in the tummy....i guess he's happy he's getting his first taste of KFC Zinger burger for lunch today...ahah...till then....take care mommies!
ohh!! i received some good news from my girlfriends today...will share them soon~
eheee.... i pun penah camtu... harus dari opis drive gi sjmc dgn bersungguh2... :)
kan....freakezoid gile mommy nye....kasi lomah semangat eden...:p
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