This means that assuming that they all get married at the average age of 26 yrs old, both myself & Fahmi will be at the age of 53 by the time Nia wants to get married and 61 yrs old by the time Junior 5 gets married. *Phew*. So would mean latest, I would be a granny by the time I'm 54 or latest 56? Ha-ha-ha.
But then again, 5 Juniors will mean that we need to save a whole lot of $$$ for each of their School Education, University Education, Health Insurance, Extra Classes and Marriage Fund. Whoa!!~ Ini tak include any miscelleneous expenses, holidays, field trips, bla bla bla.
How lah? We might as well move out of KL and live where the cost of living is awhole lot cheaper - some kampung anywhere? Bole ke kitorg duduk kat kampung? Yikes?!. Or migrate to a place where they can pay us more and allows working flexibility for parents. *Sigh*. Or maybe I should be a SAHM who runs a business portal from the comfort of my living room? Hu-hu. Any ideas?
Basically, my concern is still:
Kesian Nia who has to be a Kakak at such a tender age - Fahmi is telling me that every parents must feel the same way when they are trying to get Junior 2 rolling along since Junior 1 has always been the apple of our eyes. I really hope that we can still be fair in terms of attention and so on - although its pretty hard to judge since it is very much subjective. Nonetheless, this should not stop us of from having our own plans, right? ^_^
mommy nany, drama as always! come on u can lahhhh..!
cepat project 2011!
ahahhaah.....i think more like fickle minded as always.....:p
minah nany: memang akan rase macamtu la sape2 Awal pun same..rase macam kecik lagi..but then kite nk tunggu smp bila betul x? umo bukan makin muda..nnt dh tua xlarat dah nk boyot2 nih..kekeke..produk kuar awal kite rehat awal..pasal expenses jangan pening sangat. Rezeki tu Allah dah tentukan untuk setiap anak yang Dia anugerahkan. Kalau fikir cukup/tak cukup macam kita persoalkan takdir pulak ye tak (somehow achik pun sokmo pk tapi kena tune balik pkran yang negatif tu dengan cara PERCAYA PADA REZEKI ALLAH).:) All the best darl !!~
achieq: ahheheh....thats for your piece of advice...tular....tgk org lain mcm cool jer no.2 and no.3....kalo pk2, memang kena follow track la kan...kalo tak anak takat sorg jer investment utk di hari tua nanti ni...ahahha
achieq: ahheheh....thats for your piece of advice...tular....tgk org lain mcm cool jer no.2 and no.3....kalo pk2, memang kena follow track la kan...kalo tak anak takat sorg jer investment utk di hari tua nanti ni...ahahha
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