Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nia is 50 Days

How time flies. Sedar tak sedar, yesterday Baby Nia was exactly 50 days. Rasa macam baru je semalam kena tolak masuk dalam operation theatre when the doctor poked my back nak cucuk epidural tu. Hehe. Now, Nia dah learn a few things. She can smile. She can look at you directly to your eyes and trail you if you move. In fact, if she's in the mood, she can even give you a few giggles of her own - though it sounded more like gurgles of coos coming out from her. Tak kisah la. Yang penting, baby mommy ni da learn a lot of things.

Normally what we'll do is, we'll have chit-chat session in the afternoons. Sebab in the morning Nia suke tido. Hehe. Then, at night, Nia loves to play with her Abah. Itu bonding time yg mommy memang da allocate specially for Nia and Abah. So that, Nia tak picky between mommy and abah sangat nanti. Cos even now pon, kalau nak tido mesti nak cari mommy. Kalau abah kiss skit time mengantok, mesti la mengamok marah kat abah dia. Cian Abah. Kecik ati dia. Hehe. Bukanla Nia nak picky sgt, agaknye rimas asyik kena gomol ngen Abah. Kalo da gomol tu, abes kena misai & janggut Abah yg prickly. Itu yg Nia cranky kalo time sleepy tu. Hehe. Tapi Nia faham, Abah loves Nia very much. Sebab tu Abah suke kiss Nia sampai pening kan?

Today, mommy taught Nia to sing. Masa Nia tengah syiok dalam bath tub duk splish-splash water. Kite nyanyi a few songs. Mommy taught you how to sing Twinkle, twinkle. Then we played Row-row-row Your Boat. Later while dressing up, I taught you how to do the Itsy-Bitsy Spider. And finally, when you were about to fall asleep this morning, mommy sang to you the Barney song - I Love You. Abes je lagu, Nia terus tertido atas pangku mommy. Best ke mommy nyanyi? Hehe. Or its so tuneless that I bored you to sleep. LOL. One thing for sure, mommy loves the time that we spend together very much. Nanti Nia da bangun, kita sambung tickle-tickle with Mr Worm again ok Munchkin. Kalo boleh, mommy taknak Nia besar. Nak maintain je baby all the time. Hehe. But at the same time, mommy nak tgk Munchkin mommy ni jadi anak dara. Hehe. Mixed feelings. Whatever it is, Nia always remember ok, that mommy loves you very very very much. And mommy can't wait to see what else that you can do by the time you are 100 days old. XoXo.


:: mommy :: said...

alala.... sayang dia... ni she will grow no matter what... hehehehe... so enjoy every bit of her...

Ashyiela Alidin said...

alalala.. so schweet.. i pon kalo boleh tanak Qadeja besar. Kdg2 tu sampai nangis terkenangkan one day she'll grow up, nak kawin and then leave me. uwaaaaaaaa....

:: mommy :: said...

alamak... derang ni kecik lagi lah mama(s)...

mrs Fahmi said...

mommies going emotional....ahahahah....

:: mommy :: said...

okok... both mommies... please update your blogs...